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dc.contributor.authorШелехань, Ганна Ігорівна-
dc.identifier.citationШелехань Г. І. Negative consequences of hostilities for logistics companies / Г. І. Шелехань // Підвищення надійності і ефективності машин, процесів і систем : матеріали ІV міжнар.наук.-практ. конф. (13-15 квітня 2022 р.). - 2022. - С. 114-115.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAfter the imposition of martial law in the country from the first day, the military command is endowed with additional powers in accordance with the Law of Ukraine [1]. First of all, we are talking about the introduction of martial law as a set of measures designed to provide opportunities for the country to effectively protect itself from external threats. According to this Law, a special order of life of the country (individual localities) during martial law is to provide state authorities, military command, military administrations and local governments with extraordinary powers.uk_UA
dc.publisherЦентральноукраїнський національний технічний університетuk_UA
dc.titleNegative consequences of hostilities for logistics companiesuk_UA
Appears in Collections:2022

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