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dc.contributor.authorАлешинский, Евгений Семенович-
dc.contributor.authorМещеряков, Василий Владимирович-
dc.contributor.authorЛапушкин, Иван Александрович-
dc.contributor.authorРябовол, Евгения Ивановна-
dc.identifier.citationПовышение конкуретноспособности железнодорожного транспорта за счет создания транспортно-логистических кластеров / Е. С. Алешинский, В. В. Мещеряков, И. А. Лапушкин, Е. И. Рябовол // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2013. - Vol. 5, № 3(65). - С. 39-45.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn1729-3774 (print); 1729-4061 (online)-
dc.description.abstractUA: У статті розглянуто спосіб підвищення конкурентспроможності залізниць. Наведено моделі розвитку залізничного транспорту з недержавною власністю. Проведено аналіз основних моделей функціонування кластерів у світовій практиці. Запропоновано загальну схему функціонування транспортно-логістичного кластера з аналізом зв’язків між учасниками.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: The method of increasing the competitiveness of railways was considered in the paper. The models of development of rail transport of non-state ownership were given. As an example, Germany’s practice was thoroughly discussed. A comparative analysis of Ukrainian and German railways was conducted. The analysis of principal documents, which are the basis for railways reformation in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, was given. The analysis of basic models of clusters functioning in the world practice was carried out. Transportation and logistics clusters in Spain, Denmark and Germany were examined in more detail. In particular, general description of port cluster in Valencia (Spain), border cluster in Padberg (Denmark), as well as regional cluster in Frankfort-on-the-Main was given. The general scheme of transportation and logistics cluster functioning with the analysis of relations between the parties was proposed. The relationship between the parties of transportation and logistics cluster were presented, advantages and disadvantages of the model were described.-
dc.publisherТехнологічний центрuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesControl processes;-
dc.subjectтранспортно-логістичний кластерuk_UA
dc.subjectмоделі кластерівuk_UA
dc.subjecttransportation and logistics cluster-
dc.subjectcluster models-
dc.titleПовышение конкуретноспособности железнодорожного транспорта за счет создания транспортно-логистических кластеровuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeIncreasing of rail transport competitiveness by forming transportation and logistics clustersuk_UA
Appears in Collections:2013

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